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Rivendell Flying High Academy

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Rivendell Flying High Academy

Make every day count


Admissions are managed by the Nottinghamshire Local Authority and parents and carers interested in a place at the school can register to apply via:


Applying for a school place

Admissions to the school are processed by the Local Authority as part of the Nottinghamshire Coordinated Admissions Scheme. You will find guidance about application dates and access to online application forms for primary school places on the link above. Applications can also be made via post or over the phone.   


The Published Admissions Number (PAN) for the school is 30 pupils for F2 & Y1, 15 pupils for all other years.


Admissions for 2024/25

  • If you would like to make an in-year admission to move or change schools, please contact the Local Authority at any point in the year on the link above.

Admissions arrangements and oversubscription criteria


Admissions for 2025/26



If your child has been refused a place and you would like to appeal against the decision, please see below further information on making an appeal.


In-year admissions only 2023/24

  • If your appeal relates to an in-year admission you should submit your appeal within 28 days of being told that your application was unsuccessful. 


2024/25 application round

  • If your appeal is for a child transferring to a junior school or starting an infant or primary school in September 2024 and you are told of the decision on 17th April 2024 (National Offer Day) you should submit your appeal by 17th May 2024. 
  • If you are told of an infant, junior or primary decision after 17th April 2024 or it relates to an in-year admission you should submit your appeal within 28 days of being told that your application was unsuccessful. 


How to appeal

  • Your appeal, once submitted will be forwarded to an Independent Clerk and a date will be agreed for the hearing to take place within the mandatory guidelines. Your appeal should be sent to using the form below and you will receive acknowledgement that the appeal has been received, update on the situation and contact details for the appeals clerk who will manage your appeal and keep you informed of progress, date and outcomes. Appeals will be held in line with the DfE’s School Admission Appeals Code (October 2022)


Appeals Timetable 2024/25 intake:

National offer day – 17 April. Appeals to be made within 28 days and all appeals will be heard within 40 days during June and July.

Appeal Form – see separate document

School Appeal Code 2022


If you have any questions do of course contact us on or call 0115 6489833

Nursery Places


Children can join Nursery at the beginning of the term after their 3rd birthday if there are spaces available, priority will be given to children who are able to start in September then January and April respectively. We offer 30 hour or 15 hours sessions, the Nursery has space for 26 children in any session.


Once you have decided that you would like your child to attend our Nursery you will be asked to complete a registration form giving us yours and your child’s details. This is so that we can contact you regarding your child’s place and keep you up to date with transition dates closer to the time. It is vital that you inform us of any change of details. On this form there is also an opportunity for you to inform us of any Special Educational Needs or Medical Conditions that your child may have. The reason that we ask for this information is so that we can ensure that we contact any other relevant services to support us with your child’s transition.


School Places


In the Autumn term before your child is eligible to start school full time, you should apply for a school place through the online process with Nottinghamshire County Council:


If you cannot use the online form, please telephone: 0300 500 8080 to make your application.


Nursery Application process 


Our Nursery runs from 8.45am - 3.15pm.


Application Form


If you have any queries when completing the application form please email - 


Once completed please return your form to 


Wrap around Care/ Extended School Provision


We offer a Wrap around Care provision for all pupils in the school, including Nursery which runs from 7.30am – 8.45am (the start of the school day) and from 3.15pm until 6pm.​


​The cost of this will be £5.25 for the morning session and £9.00 for the after school session. 


For further details please email:

Flying High Partnership


The Flying High Trust is a partnership of schools across Nottinghamshire, Nottingham City and Derbyshire. Schools work together to ensure we are relentless in ensuring our children receive the best possible opportunities and experiences. This is achieved through a true collaboration where all decisions centre on children and schools are empowered to adopt best practice, adapt it within the context of each school and fly!

Chris Wheatley -CEO - Flying High Trust

Hear from our CEO explaining what makes our Flying High Trust different.

We aim for our schools to be the best in the universe! 


By the end of their primary education we aim for all of our children to be ready for secondary school and be inspired to be the best they can be through our seven values. The values are fundamental to everything the Trust represents; they run through all elements of school improvement and are understood and owned by all members of the school community. Schools with their own clear USP linked to their values blend together the Trust values with those held so dear within each individual school. 


As a Trust Partnership our expectation is that all schools: 

  • Demonstrate a restlessness to continually improve, to never stand still, with the ultimate aim of providing the best opportunities and experiences for our children. 
  • Strive to ensure every child fulfils their potential regardless of potential barriers to learning. 
  • Commit to become an outstanding, self-improving school and to support the profession and development of all schools within the partnership. 
  • Commit to a school-led system. 
  • Commit to the values, principles, policies and procedures of the Trust. 
  • To ultimately strive to be the best school in the Universe. 


In our schools you will see we work together to: 

  • Ensure schools feel connected to the Trust whilst maintaining their unique qualities, character and relationship with their community. 
  • Ensure high quality teaching and learning. 
  • Engage with our families and wider communities to raise aspiration for all. 
  • Develop the whole child and create inquisitive learners. 
  • Enable all children to be confident, building on strengths and improving in areas of need. 
  • Enable children to understand the part they play in the world in the future - as a positive citizen and a driver of business and enterprise. 
  • Support the development of all staff to be the best they can be and to realise their career potential. 



Rivendell Flying High Academy

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