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Rivendell Flying High Academy
Make every day count
Other Safety Guidance
Positive parenting
We know how challenging it can be to balance all the demands parents and carers have to cope with. That’s why the NSPCC have put together some tips to help. All children need boundaries and discipline, and this guide helps you develop what works for you and your child.
Positive parenting leaflet
Gang and knife crime advice and help
Gang crime relating to guns and knives isn't as common as some people think. But it does happen. And guns and knives can affect everyone, not just people in gangs. Here you can find useful resources and guidance on what to do if you or someone you know is effected by gun and knife crime.
Gun and knife crime | Childline
Knife crime - Youth Endowment Fund
Talking to young people | Neighbourhood Watch Network (
Home - NKBL (
Coping with exam pressure
Preparing for exams | Childline
Staying mentally healthy during exams | Resources | YoungMinds
Exam Stress | What To Do When Stressed For Exams | The Mix
Worried about a child?
Whether a child tells you they are being abused or you have concerns based on other signs,
such as their behaviour, it’s important to act on your concerns. Trust your judgement and don’t wait until you’re certain.
Talk to a member of our school staff or head teacher straight away or call 0808 800 5000 for further advice and support.
Family Lives provides help and support on all aspects of parenting and family life, and runs Parentline.
0808 800 2222